Introduction This blogs describes my search to understand FASTAI language classification,the phases are as follows:

Chapter 10 : NLP Deep Dive using the pretrained language model and IMDB build a classifier
Chapter 8 : Collaborative Filtering Deep Dive using Movie Lens to create the latent factors
From the latent factors identify the highest values per movie
Assign the latent factors as multicategories to the reviews per movie
Chapter 6: Other Computer Vision Problem - Multi-Label Classification
Perform a classification of all the movie reviews using the Wiki-IMDB encoder and vocab
Produce frequency analysis of the categories for all the reviews per movie
Remove the most frequent category because of domination
Produce frequency analysis of the categories for all the reviews per movie

## Chapter 10 : NLP Deep Dive using the pretrained language model and IMDB build a classifier path=untar_data(URLs.IMDB) #/root/.fastai/data/imdb get_imdb = partial(get_text_files,folders=[‘train’,’test’,’unsup’]) dls_lm = DataBlock( blocks = TextBlock.from_folder(path,is_lm=True), get_items=get_imdb,splitter=RandomSplitter(0.1) ).dataloaders(path,path=path,bs=128,seq_len=80) learnlm = language_model_learner(dls_lm,AWD_LSTM,drop_mult=0.3,metrics=[accuracy, Perplexity()]).to_fp16() learnlm.fit_one_cycle(1,2e-2) learnlm.unfreeze() learnlm.fit_one_cycle(10,2e-3) # 8 hours on Google Colab. learnlm.save_encoder(‘finetuned’) # This is the fine tuned model pickle.dump( dls_lm , open( “savelm3.p”, “wb” ) ) # This includes the vocab.

## Chapter 8 : Collaborative Filtering Deep Dive using Movie Lens to create the latent factors !pip install git+ # a movie review access facility path = untar_data(URLs.ML_100k) ratings = pd.read_csv(path/’’,delimiter=’\t’,header=None,names=[‘user’,’movie’,’rating’,’timestamp’]) ratings.head() movies = pd.read_csv(path/’u.item’,delimiter=’|’,encoding=’latin-1’,usecols=(0,1),names=(‘movie’,’title’),header=None) movies.head() ratings=ratings.merge(movies) ratings.head() dls = CollabDataLoaders.from_df(ratings,item_name=’title’,bs=64) dls.show_batch() learn = collab_learner(dls, n_factors=50, y_range = (0,5.5)) learn.fit_one_cycle(5,5e-3,wd=0.1)

## From the latent factors identify the highest values per movie   

movie_weight = learn.model.i_weight.weight
idxs = movie_weight.argsort(descending=True)
idxs5 = idxs[:,0:FACTORS]   # Originally 5 
*So just pick the top latent factors per movie
movie_weight5 = [movie_weight[i,idxs5[i]] for i in range(movie_weight.shape[0])]
idxm5s = movie_weight[:,0].argsort(descending=True) 
movie_weight5top = []
for i in range(FACTORS):   
movie_weight5toptitles = []
for i in range(FACTORS):   
  T0 = idxm5s[i].item()  
  T1 = movies.iloc[T0].title
newidxs=idxs    * Having selected the highest per movie and 5 (FACTORS) weights then retieve movie reviews    for i in movie_weight5toptitles:
 ia = IMDb()
 imovies = ia.search_movie(i) 
 mi = imovies[0].movieID
 imdbdata = ia.get_movie_reviews(str(mi))['data'] # ['reviews']
 if 'reviews' in imdbdata: 
   details = imdbdata['reviews']
   print(f'*** {i} *** {len(details)} reviews')
   for j in details: 
     print('') *now give the review the attribute;idxs contains the latency number we just need to idxm5scpu to pull the high line and generate Lx Ly Lz assoiated with text    * Find the most common latent factors    idxs5list=[]    for iii in range(idxs5.shape[0]):
 for jjj in range(idxs5.shape[1]):
   idxs5list.append(idxs5[iii][jjj].item())        counter=collections.Counter(idxs5list);print(counter.most_common(20))  ## Optional     Latency=idxs[idxm5s[:],0:FACTORS]    * Now remove all movies with a latent factor of zero. 211 films. It is almost if latency zero = it is a film but it could be any latent number    def tensorvaluezero(x):
 sum = False
 for i in x:
   e = i.item()
   if (e == 0.0): sum=True
 return sum    TCList = []    for i,v in enumerate(Latency): 
 if (tensorvaluezero(v.cpu()) == False ) : 
   TCList.append(i)    ## Assign the latent factors as multicategories to the reviews per movie        md=movies.iloc[idxm5s[:].cpu()].title    * Choose the top "Twenty" movies with the highest weight for the first latent weight    top20movies = md.to_list()[0:Twenty]    LatencyString=[]    for j in Latency[0:Twenty]:
 LT =''
 temp_i = len(j)
 for k in j:
   MN = (k.item())
   temp_i -= 1
   if temp_i > 0 :
 *Now retrieve the reviews for these "twenty" movies. Movies may not have a review.     pdload=[]    reviewCount = []    for i in range(len(top20movies)):
 ia = IMDb()
 imovies = ia.search_movie(str(top20movies[i])) 
 if imovies != [] :
   mi = imovies[0].movieID
   imdbdata = ia.get_movie_reviews(str(mi))['data'] # ['reviews']
   if 'reviews' in imdbdata: 
     details = imdbdata['reviews']
     print(f'*** {i} *** {len(details)} reviews')
     for j in details:       
* Now build a panda data frame
  • given the reviews have now a category based on the 5 highest latent factors

  • Now build a dataloader but use the vocab from the Wiki/IMDB model trained earlier dlsr = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df=dfr, text_vocab=dls_lm.vocab,text_col=’Review’, label_col=’Latency’, label_delim=”;”,y_block=MultiCategoryBlock,splitter=RandomSplitter(0.2) ) dlsr.show_batch(max_n=3) learnr = text_classifier_learner(dlsr, AWD_LSTM, drop_mult=0.5, n_out=len(dlsr.vocab[1]), metrics=[]).to_fp16() learnr.load_encoder(‘finetunedE’) learnr.fit_one_cycle(1,2e-2) learn.freeze_to(-2) learnr.fit_one_cycle(1,slice(1e-2/(2.64),1e-2)) learn.freeze_to(-3) learnr.fit_one_cycle(1,slice(5e-3/(2.64),5e-3)) learnr.unfreeze() learnr.fit_one_cycle(2,slice(1e-3/(2.6**4),1e-3)) *Now predict the latent factors for each movie based on their reviews

superpredictions=[] accRC=0 for m in range(len(reviewCount)): RC = reviewCount[m][1] Film = reviewCount[m][0] predictions=[] print(f’film {Film} reviews {RC}’) for l in range(reviewCount[m][1]+0): predictions.append(learnr.predict(dfr.iloc[accRC+l,2])[0]) accRC=accRC+RC superpredictions.append((Film,predictions)) ## Produce frequency analysis of the categories for all the reviews per movie

import math Build a 2D shape to hold all the histograms matplotlib.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = [256, 641024/256-1] pict = int(math.sqrt(len(superpredictions)))+1 if pict > 8 : pict = 8 pictw = pict picth = ((len(superpredictions))//pict) + 1 print(picth,pictw) _,axs = plt.subplots(picth,pictw) for boxcount,sp in enumerate(superpredictions):
reviewCountForTitle = reviewCount[boxcount][1] cord = (boxcount//(pictw),boxcount-(boxcount//pictw)*pictw)
flat_list = [item for sublist in sp[1] for item in sublist] flat_list.sort() axs[cord].hist(flat_list, density=False, bins=len(dlsr.vocab[1])) # density=False would make counts axs[cord].set_title(str(sp[0]+”:”+str(reviewCountForTitle)),fontsize=108) plt.tight_layout()
